You will need:

  • 10 Small potatoes  (Low Starch potatoes, such as round red, round white, and new potatoes, are often called waxy potatoes. They hold their shape better than other potatoes when boiled)
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Flaxseed oil
  • 8 oz.Quark (A dairy product in Germany)
  • OR if you can’t find Quark just use 8oz. total fat Greek yogurt
  • 1 handful of Chives
  • 1 handful of flat leafed Parsley
  • 1 handful of Basil leafs
  • 1 handful of dill
  • (Basically any herbs you like)

Scrub the potatoes with a clean produce brush to remove any dirt, then rinse, leave the skin on and place into a steaming try, make sure that when the water starts to boil, you turn it lower so the steam does not get too hot.

Meanwhile chop all the already cleaned herbs on a cutting board.

Add the Quark (or Greek yogurt) in a mixing bowl and whisk, adding salt and pepper, then mix in the herbs and stir it all up.

When the potatoes are done with a little bite place them on a plate, I like to break them a little and sprinkle some flaxseed oil over them and add some of the herbed quark over it.

Also very nice to serve with a fresh green salad.

